How to Discover and Connect with other Sessionwire Users

Looking for other Sessionwire members to connect with? Look no further.

Sessionwire's Discover search engine allows you to comb through the entire Sessionwire user database using tags, affiliations, genres and more.

  1. Launch Discover search directly from the main menu on the left (see image below)
  2. Once the Discover search engine launches, what you’ll want to do is select the Community tab and start typing to receive autocomplete suggestions. Searching in Discover is based on several factors, including tags, but the most important by far is the Display Name if you are looking for a specific contact. 
  3. Once you have located the contact you are looking for click the CONNECT button to send them a connection request. They will receive an email and a notification alerting them to your request. Once your request has been accepted the new contact will appear in your Connections list and you will appear in theirs! 

Connecting with and calling other Sessionwire members using the Connections list is only possible it both users have active Sessionwire subscriptions.


If the desired workflow is to invite a guest without their signing up for Sessionwire and paying for a subscription, simply send them your Studio's Invite Link as shown in this article: Starting your First Sessionwire Call