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Why is there latency in the Sessionwire call?
Sessionwire does not promote or advertise the ability to "jam live" or "rehearse live" over the internet - for a very good reason. It will always take a certain amount of time for the signal from one machine to travel to another, and then back again. ...
What is the audio quality like when I use Sessionwire?
The Sessionwire web application utilizes a well known audio codec alongside proprietary software to transmit audio at an effective 48kHz 32-bit floating over our dedicated stereo HQ Audio stream at 400kbps. There is also a dedicated Talkback Audio ...
What if I don't have a webcam?
Sessionwire currently requires that at least one video driver be available in order for the application to establish a proper connection. If no webcam is available, we recommend installing EpocCam's free desktop driver/software. EpocCam allows the ...
Latency vs The Speed of Light
Real time remote jamming and collaboration - The Holy Grail!! I see it almost everyday online—even in reference to Sessionwire: “latency issue solved!” or, “zero-latency jamming.” So very sorry to be the bearer of bad news but, “Nope!” The cold, hard ...