Screen Sharing

Screen Sharing

Sharing a Screen

Click on the Share Screen icon in the bottom toolbar to launch the browser dialog. In this window you can choose what you would like to share. There are three tabs:

  • Tab
  • Window
  • Entire Screen

Each tab displays the choices available for sharing. Select the content you wish to share and click the Share button. The Share Screen icon in the bottom toolbar changes color to green and a diagonal stroke is overlaid indicating that clicking again will terminate the screen share.

Note: When working in a DAW environment sharing a window will not share plugin UIs. This is because each plugin is treated as a separate window and you are only able to share one window at a time. To see the DAW and plugins you need to share an entire screen.


Additional Screen Share Options

Full screen

There is a Full Screen icon in the lower right-hand corner of an active screen share. Clicking this icon will expand the screen share window to the maximum size allowed by the monitor.

To exit Full Screen mode simply click on the icon in the lower-right corner of the screen share window once more.

Picture in Picture

When in full screen mode an additional option menu appears in the lower right-hand side that allows you to float the screen share window out of the sessionwire application so you can position it above another application or even move it to another monitor. In this mode the screen share will always be the topmost window on the display.

To cancel Picture in Picture click on the x in the top-right corner of the floating window.

Stopping the Screen Share 

Click on the Share Screen icon in the bottom toolbar again to stop the screen share and return all participants to their currently selected video view.

Note: The host can not only cancel their own screen share, they can cancel the screen being shared by someone else in the session. This is another ‘producer’ feature that provides the session’s host with extra capabilities for smoothly running a session. Session guests may only cancel their own screen share, not the screen shares of others.

Notes on Performance

Screen sharing extremely large, ultra-high resolution monitors the load on the CPU can be quite intense, especially on older machines. Lower display resolutions can certainly help if this becomes problematic during a session. 



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