Release Notes

v3.0.6-3 • May 9, 2023


  • changed basic user so they can only send non broadcast public invites
  • changed sign up redirect from /home to /account/subscription
  • updated stripe webhooks to use meteor async methods


  • removed google geocode api calls from migration

v3.0.6-2 • May 8, 2023


  • changed hubspot chatbot to appear on all desktop pages except studio


  • removed hubspot chatbot on mobile
  • removed 'studio' from basic plan name
  • removed 'free' from Get Started button
  • removed basic plan users invite link feature and public studio

v3.0.6-1 • May 4, 2023


  • Added custom stripe pricing tables
  • Added redirects for stripe subscription success/cancel
  • Added automute HQ Audio ducking feature
  • Added a feature to create a stripe customer on the admin page
  • Added facebook pixel code to production deployment


  • Fixed broken mobile url links
  • Fixed chanel strip HQ Audio wire icon - it now only represents enabled/disabled state instead of also indicating mute/unmute state
  • Fixed an issue where changing chanel strip gain resulted in audible clicking
  • Fixed a bug where disabling/enabling HQ Audio resulted in audible clicking

v3.0.5-3 • April 24, 2023


  • Fixed a bug that caused users to appear perpetually online

v3.0.5-2 • April 20, 2023


  • Remove "To continue with a free account" text from subscription page

v3.0.5-1 • April 17, 2023


  • Added remote hq streams to master section

v3.0.4-2 • April 12, 2023


  • Added e2e tests for master section and cloud mute


  • Disabled mute all when automute is active
  • Disabled automute when mute all is active
  • Grouped mute all and mute lock buttons together
  • Disabled master section when cloud mute is active


  • Fixed a big where users could add non alphanumeric characters to their username on the account info page

v3.0.4-1 • April 5, 2023


  • Added master section with auto mute, mute lock and mute all features
  • Added a cancel call button to the ringing call notification
  • Added private in call chat
  • Prompt users to reload each deployment
  • Added email verification and resend verification email setting
  • Update hubspot email and stripe data when it changes


  • Updated cloud mute to work alongside the new master section
  • Moved local control buttons to the bottom tray
  • Limit mobile/tablet video bandwidth (600kbps) and resolution (480p) to reduce cpu usage
  • Reduced channel strip spacing so more channel strips fit in the mixer drawer
  • Changed cookie consent to contrast more with the background


  • Fixed a bug where an audible glitch was sometimes heard every 3 seconds
  • Fixed a bug where remote overlay buttons rendered off screen on small screens
  • Fixed code that causing UI to drop frames
  • Fixed a bug where clicking a free user's call button opened chat (chat is not supported on the free plan)
  • Fixed a bug where selecting HQ Audio 'No Input' still sent audio and showed levels

v3.0.3-8 • March 8, 2023


  • Fixed discovery search and pagination bugs

v3.0.3-7 • February 23, 2023


  • Removed sneaky sign up


  • Fixed an issue where clicking the phone icon to call a free user opened their chat (chat is unsupported on free plans)

v3.0.3-6 • February 15, 2023


  • Added feature to connect to a call with audio only and no camera connected


  • Fixed a bug when a blank screen was shown in offline studio when no camera was attached
  • Fixed lead dyno script error

v3.0.3-5 • February 10, 2023


  • Added a 'No Input' HQ Audio Input device menu item - selected on first run if no sessionwire audio drivers are installed
  • Added a migration to update all free and basic production users to the studio plan


  • Remove 'listener only participant joined' snackbar for everyone except call host
  • Silence 'participant joined' sound when the 'Silence Notifications' settings is checked
  • Silence 'participant joined' sound for all guests (signed out users)
  • Set local/remote overlay buttons to auto hide by default - except in device check and offline studio


  • Fixed a call join bug where a token was being validated three times instead of once
  • Fixed an issue where the /home route would flash content when leaving a call
  • Fixed an issue where 'Missed Call' and 'No Answer' notifications sometimes appeared after successfully joining a call
  • Fixed offset width on the studio route that only showed up for guests (signed out users)

v3.0.3-4 • February 7, 2023


  • Added real testimonials
  • Added real content to /home route


  • Fixed message scrolling issues

v3.0.3-3 • February 1, 2023


  • Added new connections and group tabs with missed message indicator
  • Added scrolling virtualization to smooth the scrolling of large connection and message lists


  • Refactored pub/sub to more efficiently load app data
  • Hide vault route
  • Hide broadcast button
  • Many other misc UI updates


  • Temporarily disabled light mode


  • Fixed miscellaneous bugs in connections and messages

v3.0.3-2 • January 27, 2023


  • Added in call sign up feature
  • Updated sign up, home and subscriptions pages
  • Added new forms and validation (sign up, sign in, reset/recover password, account info)
  • Added back sneaky sign up and magic link


  • Fixed a screenshare bug where video flickered and fullscreen mode exited on it's own

v3.0.3-1 • January 20, 2023


  • Added stripe plans to the subscription page
  • Added 'Invite' to the app drawer to open a dialog and invite someone to Sessionwire
  • Added url redirect to the subscription page - signed out users redirect after sign up/in, signed in users redirect immediately:
  • Added url to automatically fill an email on the sign up page:
  • Added 10 mongodb indexes to optimize common queries


  • Moved the 'Remove Connection' button into a menu
  • Changed Hq Audio bitrate from 256kbps to 400kbps
  • Disable features not included in a user's stripe plan and show upgrade snackbar
  • Show logged in user in active speaker mode when speaking
  • Show logged in user and connections in the discover search results
  • Widened discover page so 'Show Instruments...' isn't cut off
  • Added 'Connect', 'Connected' and 'Pending' status to the discover search results
  • Added an undocumented way to enable logs in production for debugging


  • Removed sneaky sign up and magic link requirement
  • Removed 3 tabs on the discover search page


  • Fixed a bug where profile location results could detach from the text input
  • Fixed a bug where stale profile fields could sometimes appear
  • Fixed a bug where messages would sometimes not scroll to the bottom message
  • Fixed a bug where clicking screenshare paused and played the video
  • Fixed a bug where urls pasted in a message navigated to<url>

v3.0.2-5 • December 22, 2022


  • Added support for joining a call without a camera attached


  • Fixed a bug when a logged in user joining a call via public invite URL is denied browser audio permissions. A 'Connect' button is added to ensure a user gesture is registered prior to joining the call
  • Fixed a bug where clicking back after joining a call as a guest did not end the call
  • Fixed screenshare overlay buttons that were not centered
  • Fixed an overlapping element in active speaker mode causing issues clicking 3 dot menu button

v3.0.2-4 • December 21, 2022


  • Added paginated video grid
  • Added manual track subscriptions so data is only received for visible video streams
  • Added limited support for calls on Firefox desktop browser
  • Added limited support for calls on iOS Safari and Chrome browsers
  • Added limited support for calls on Android Firefox and Chrome browsers
  • Added snackbars to inform users of unsupported features on newly supported desktop and mobile browsers
  • Added HQ Audio meters and device menu in offline studio
  • Added a TB/HQ toggle to work around mobile HQ Audio limitation


  • Allow an additional sign in on mobile browser when signed in on a desktop browser
  • Default light/dark mode is changed from light to dark
  • Camera light is turned off when not in a call and outside offline studio
  • Mixer is opened when entering offline studio
  • Mixer open/closed state is preserved when leaving and rejoining a call
  • In-call chat state is preserved when leaving and rejoining the same call
  • Snackbar confirm buttons are changed from red to green
  • Prevent starting a call while leaving a call
  • Prevent listener only participants from sending/receiving a file
  • Hide chat 'Upgrade Plan' button for non logged in users
  • Changed enterprise plan max hq receive setting to 10 participants
  • When leaving and rejoining the same call knocking is no longer required


  • Removed 'Waiting for participants..' in offline studio
  • Removed the Sign In button in the waiting room
  • Removed /landing route in place of index / route


  • Fixed a bug when a logged in user could join a call via public invite URL and hear no audio. A 'Connect' button is added to ensure a user gesture is recorded prior to joining the call
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong name was used in a file transfer request notification
  • Fixed a bug where Join/Decline call notifications never get removed
  • Fixed a bug where changing HQ source while HQ is muted begins sending HQ to remotes
  • Fixed a bug where hq audio was sending but the local meters showed no level
  • Fixed a bug where muted incoming audio was audible when the producer muted/unmuted their audio
  • Fixed a bug where the participant grid wasn't visible in active speaker mode
  • Fixed a bug where starting screenshare would unmute audio
  • Fixed a bug where channel fader attenuation was not recalled after muting
  • Fixed a bug where the Active Speaker in large call could get stuck on 1 participant
  • Fixed a bug preventing a recording to finish when ending a call
  • Fixed a bug where the 'Return To Call' button could redirect to an incorrect route
  • Fixed a bug where the default talkback device was being set at the start of each call
  • Fixed a bug where the incorrect camera source was being set in the offline studio
  • Fixed a bug where downloading the mac/win driver installer would end a call
  • Fixed a bug where leaving and rejoining a call could get stuck on the 'Joining' spinner
  • Fixed a bug when clicking 'Loading more messages' didn't scroll to the bottom of the message list

v3.0.1-3 • November 17, 2022


  • Added listener only overlay on screenshare
  • Added joining status of public users when in device check and entering a call
  • Added E2E tests to cover more test cases


  • Changed listener only mic icon to speaker icon during screenshare
  • Updated chat UI styling
  • Increased the public call join timeout to 150 seconds
  • Increased the call join timeout to 30 seconds


  • Fixed a bug where users could not delete the first letter in guest name input
  • Fixed a bug where listener only participants could not change their audio output device
  • Fixed a bug where the public join notification was not clearing
  • Fixed a bug causing talkback output to change when hq output changed (and vise versa)
  • Fixed general call joining, leaving and connection bugs

v3.0.0 • October 27, 2022


  • Added text when video is lost to show low why (bandwidth, interruption, etc.)
  • Added magic sign up link required for production sign up (development and staging have a button to bypass this step)
  • Added feature to change a user's plan in the admin panel
  • Added a participant list to the in-call chat
  • Added a listener only participant feature with sharable public invite URL
  • Added feature to send a connection request to another signed up user in a call
  • Added P2P file transfer feature
  • Added a ringing progress bar
  • Added in-call E2E test suite


  • Limited BASIC plan to 100 message history
  • Limited BASIC plan to max 4 call participants
  • Limited STUDIO plan to max 12 call participants
  • Limited PRO/ENTERPRISE plans to max 200 call participants 
  • Limited BASIC plan to enable 0 participants hq audio
  • Limited STUDIO plan to enable 1 participants hq audio
  • Limited PRO plan to enable 3 participants hq audio
  • Limited BASIC plan to max 40 min call duration
  • Limited STUDIO/PRO/ENTERPRISE plans to max 24 hour call duration
  • Limited BASIC and STUDIO plans to not record, not remote kick and not remote mute
  • Lowered recaptcha threshold on signup to reduce incorrect recapcha issues
  • Prevented additional sessions in separate tabs/windows
  • Swapped light/dark toggle text and icon
  • When camera is loading a loading spinner is shown
  • Changed development and staging to use new severs and Mongo Atlas databases
  • When everyone leaves a call, the call now ends
  • Swapped Mongo Atlas oplog with Redis oplog


  • Removed unfinished features from UI
  • Removed requirement for first and last name during sign up
  • Removed extra sign up flow steps


  • Fixed a bug where signing in with max sign ins would not logout the other user cleanly
  • Fixed broken link in connection request email
  • Fixed a bug with active speaker and grid mode while screen sharing
  • Fixed a bug where no messages appeared when logging out and logging in as another user
  • Fixed a bug where hq audio could send duplicate audio on call start
  • Fixed a bug where previous messages would flash when a user joined after a group was created
  • Fixed a bug where a user could get stuck in device check before entering a call
  • Fixed mixer not rendering in offline room
  • Fixed a bug where a user with no connections could create a group
  • Fixed race condition where it was possible to make call while waiting for a call to connect
  • Fixed a bug where a user could not join a call using a public URL link
  • Fixed a bug where leaving a call resulted in not being able to join a new call
  • Fixed high server cpu usage by refactoring realtime connections publication
  • Fixed a bug where non chromium browser could enter a call sending audio/video but not receive audio
  • Fixed a bug that prevented logging out from the user menu

September 30, 2022


  • Added mic/camera call recording (hq audio coming soon)
  • Added public calling and do not disturb option
  • Added offline room
  • Added group invite state


  • Changed call chat header to Studio Chat
  • Changed header room name to User's Sessionwire Studio


  • Fixed hq audio mute issue navigating away from studio route
  • Fixed camera and mic unmute not to working in device check and waiting room
  • Fixed remote mute lock race condition


  • Added facebook iframe domain to Content Security Policy (CSP) to fix CSP error

September 8, 2022


  • Added a stop screenshare button to stop screenshare
  • Added feature to allow producer to remote stop a screenshare
  • Added feature to allow an incoming call while in a call
  • Added producer remote mute (talkback, camera, hq audio)
  • Added ringtone that plays on loop
  • Added screenshare audio
  • Added remote menu picture-in-picture option
  • Added remote menu kick user option (producer only)
  • Added local video background image option
  • Added local video background blur option
  • Added local video flip option
  • Added room name to call header
  • Added control buttons popovers for small screen sizes
  • Added control buttons to local and remote video
  • Added notification sfx and silence option
  • Added full screen mobile messaging
  • Added view profile button in message header
  • Added ability to edit and delete a message
  • Added return to call button in app header


  • When a screenshare starts everyone in the call is put into active speaker view
  • When a non producer invites a user to a call, that user knocks for access
  • When producer leaves a call, the call ends for all users
  • Mute all now mutes everyone including the signed in user
  • Skip the Device Check if it has been completed once
  • Simplified joining a call to max 2 steps and direct join if signed in
  • Updated meters to handle remote mute feature
  • Entering studio changes theme to dark mode
  • Updated in-call tray icon buttons
  • Limit sign in to max 1 location, prompt to sign out of other location
  • Hide app drawer until sign up flow is complete
  • Updated app icons
  • Show date if next chat message is > 5mins from last message


  • Fixed local and remote video flicker
  • Fixed a bug that deleted all in-call chat messages while in a call
  • Fixed snackbar alert width
  • Fixed a screenshare permissions issue from showing when it shouldn't
  • Fixed device check window resize bug
  • Fixed loading spinner not being centered
  • Fixed message unread count not showing in the app sidebar
  • Restrict group delete to the group creator

August 5, 2022


  • Added connection list to the app drawer
  • Added a user dropdown menu to the app header
  • Added 1-to-1 persistent message feature
  • Added redesigned notification and snackbar alert system
  • Added Home and Vault routes
  • Added a button on the profile page to remove a connection
  • Added a mobile dialog for fullscreen messaging


  • Changed app drawer navigation items
  • Changed text My Room to My Studio
  • Changed dialog prompts to more subtle snackbar alerts
  • Changed app drawer icon stroke width so it is thinner
  • Changed the default signed in route to /home in place of /profile


  • Removed header buttons that now reside in the user dropdown menu
  • Removed now unused connection list page


  • Fixed a bug when leaving and rejoining a call
  • Fixed a bug when a call could get stuck in active speaker mode
  • Fixed an issue where calls were stuck in peer mode instead of sfu
  • Fixed a bug where room names would appear as random, long characters
  • Fixed incorrect widths of elements when in a call

July 25, 2022


  • Added backend api for persistent messages

July 20, 2022


  • Added an invite tray button
  • Added an invite dialog with 3 ways to invite someone to a call (Email, Existing Connection, Copy Invite Link)
  • Added a shortcut to open the invite dialog when in a call (macOS: CMD+I, Windows/Other: CTRL+I)
  • Added an alert when screen share is silently blocked by the OS with steps to unblock


  • Changed notification alert duration from 5 - 15 seconds
  • Changed notification alert progress to animate the time remaining


  • Removed old invite link buttons


  • Fixed missing stripe plans during sign up
  • Fixed an issue with signing out while in a call
  • Fixed scrollbars appearing when they shouldn't on Windows while in a call
  • Fixed loading spinner not showing up correctly

July 15, 2022


  • Added username to video loading screen


  • Mixer is closed when a call starts

July 8, 2022


  • Added website meta description
  • Added basic chat


  • Fixed talkback audio not working when starting a call
  • Fixed loading spinner bug in light mode
  • Fixed fullscreen button bug in light mode
  • Fixed toast notification bugs
  • Fixed logout bug where a user would not be redirected to the sign in page
  • Fixed E2E tests and storybook config

June 29, 2022


  • Changed app drawer and header icons
  • Changed video loading spinner
  • Changed HQ Audio tooltip so it is clear the button is for mute/unmute


  • Removed development video settings from studio network aside


  • Fixed hidden notifications buttons
  • Fixed incorrectly flipped local screen share
  • Fixed a bug that showed a user incorrectly in active speaker mode
  • Fixed a bug that crashed the browser when adding a tag on the discover page

June 27, 2022


  • Added user online/offline status to the profile and connections pages
  • Added a call button on the connections page (for online users)
  • Added an alert when microphone and hq audio source are set to the same device
  • Added an alert when a participant is remote muted by the producer
  • Added an alert when hq audio is remote enabled/disabled by the producer


  • When exiting screenshare the previous view (grid or active speaker) is restored
  • When in active speaker mode a user no longer sees themselves as the active speaker
  • When signed out and in a call the header buttons open routes in a new tab


  • Fixed distorted audio that occurred after changing devices or exiting screenshare
  • Fixed broken channel volume sliders
  • Fixed broken channel mute buttons